All news articles for 2020

Lebanon is expected to run out of bread in 2½ weeks. Pics: GettyImages/alefbet/Mo Semsem

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Humanitarian aid scrambles to circumvent Lebanon’s bread crisis

By Gill Hyslop

The head of the United Nations’ food agency said the beleaguered country – which is battling economic and political woes, the COVID-19 pandemic and a major blast that tore through its capital city – could run out of bread in about 2½ weeks.

中途半端にやってもしょうがない: COVID-19の中で消費者ニーズを満たすために、食品・飲料業界が迅速なイノベーションを起こす必要がある理由

中途半端にやってもしょうがない: COVID-19の中で消費者ニーズを満たすために、食品・飲料業界が迅速なイノベーションを起こす必要がある理由

By Guan Yu Lim


The new ingredients are suitable for a instant beverages such as 3-in-1 coffee, ready-to-drink canned coffee, canned milk, flavored milk drinks, soups and sauces. Pic: Ingredion

New Ingredion starches support simpler labels

By Jim Cornall

Ingredion has launched new Novation Indulge 3620 and 3820 starches to meet consumers’ demand for clean and healthy eating while providing sensory attributes like smoothness, creaminess and a rich mouthfeel.

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