
The prime minister warned legal action would be taken if Bangladeshi exports were hampered due to the spread of rumors by the public and corporations about the antibiotic traces found in the tested milk. Pic: Getty Images/DenizA

Three of 14 fresh milk brands allowed to resume production after antibiotics and metals were identified

Adulterated milk action could come from overseas plot, says Bangladeshi PM

By Richard Whitehead

A face-off between Bangladeshi milk producers and food safety authorities has been partially averted, following the decision by the Supreme Court to stay a lower court’s order to halt the production and sale of products by several of the 14 milk companies...

Yili named Asia’s most valuable food brand on Brand Finance’s annual report ©Yili

Cream of the crop: Yili named Asia’s most valuable food brand

By Guan Yu Lim

Dairy giant Yili Group has retained its position as the most valuable food brand in Asia and third most valuable brand in the world, according to Brand Finance’s annual report on the most valuable food and soft drink brands published in July 2019.

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