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An Update on the Quality of Australian and New Zealand Products

Omega-3 fish oil products and responding to a flawed research study

By Terri Albert, Kevin Krail, Lalen Dogan, Peter D Nichols and Andrew Sinclair

How does the industry respond when a scientific study comes out that is critical of quality and label claim for an omega-3 fish oil supplement, and, in the opinion of many experts, the research is flawed?

China’s FTAs with Korea and Australia come into force

China’s FTAs with Korea and Australia come into force

By RJ Whitehead

Two landmark free-trade agreements involving China came into effect this weekend. Twenty per cent of trade with Korea will now become tariff free, while almost all Australian goods will enter China free of duty, and all Chinese exports to Australia will...

The many faces of herbal adulteration


The many faces of herbal adulteration

By Ryan Gorman, brand director, Network Nutrition-IMCD

The global natural products industry is beholden to vast quality control challenges, which are in turn amplified when it comes to herbal ingredients, given the quality management minefield this segment presents. 

Pejnovic named CMA president

Pejnovic named CMA president

By RJ Whitehead

The chief executive of Lipa Pharmaceuticals has been named president of the Australian complementary industry’s representative body. 

Palau ratifies international illegal fishing agreement

Palau ratifies international illegal fishing agreement

By RJ Whitehead

The island nation of Palau has become the first Pacific island state to ratify an international agreement to combat illegal fishing, which the FAO estimates will deprive the global economy of up to US$23bn each year and endanger biodiversity.

97% of regular KFC customers express satisfaction

Australia's fast-food market

97% of regular KFC customers express satisfaction

By RJ Whitehead

Almost six in 10 Australians get food from fast-food chains each month, and the more they frequent a store, the more satisfied they will be with it, according to market research.

“Given the excellent results achieved in the study, we are currently investigating scope to undergo a human clinical trial in the near future.

Brown seaweed extract battles cancer

By Lynda Searby

Health evidence for fucoidan stacks up as a new Australian study finds that the seaweed polysaccharide has potential to battle Helictobacter pylori-related diseases and gastric cancer through an anti-adhesion mechanism.

MPI said all brands, batches and sizes are subject to the risk. Picture: Istock/brozova

UPDATED with MPI response

New Zealand Hepatitis A cases linked to frozen berries

By Joseph James Whitworth

Imported frozen berries have been implicated after reports of four cases of Hepatitis A, according to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in New Zealand.

Coopers launches home-brew range in international styles

Coopers launches home-brew range in international styles

By RJ Whitehead

Coopers Brewery has launched a range of home-brew beer extracts under the Thomas Cooper label to tap into the fast-growing global trend for craft beer. The ingredients are already online and have begun to land on stockists’ shelves.

Is complementary medicine shackled by a nanny state?

Soapbox - Guest column

Is complementary medicine shackled by a nanny state?

By Michial Coldwell

There is still an Australian self-view involving reckless abandon, a laissez-faire approach to rules and an attitude toward life that involves doing what we want, when we want. Ours is a land where personal choice rules, we believe.

Diabetes chief says no to NZ sugar tax

Diabetes chief says no to NZ sugar tax

By RJ Whitehead

The head of a body that represents New Zealanders with diabetes has hit out at arguments that a tax on sugary products would help prevent the spread of the disease.

E-commerce growing fast in Oz, but it’s still a tiny niche

Market research

E-commerce growing fast in Oz, but it’s still a tiny niche

By RJ Whitehead

With research suggesting that fewer than half of Australians actually enjoy grocery shopping, why aren’t more people sparing themselves the angst of the supermarket and purchasing their groceries online?

Asia’s unquenchable demand for Australian supplements

Asia’s unquenchable demand for Australian supplements

By RJ Whitehead

With growing middle-classes, ageing populations and a voracious appetite for Australian products, Asia is providing fertile territory for Australian complementary health brands. A raft of free-trade agreements can’t hurt either.

Australian complementary health: State of the industry 2015

Interview with Carl Gibson, chief executive of Complementary Medicines Australia

Australian complementary health: State of the industry 2015

By RJ Whitehead

Although a jolly affair, the Complementary Medicines Australia annual conference a year ago took place to a backdrop of concern over the so-called race to the bottom in consumer preventative health.

Quality is more than compliance

Guest article

Quality is more than compliance

By Ian Chant

The provision of high quality products is fundamental to the goal of the complementary medicines industry of enhancing consumers’ health.

Lemon myrtle: Aboriginal functional favourite revived by Sydney Games

Lemon myrtle: Aboriginal functional favourite revived by Sydney Games

By RJ Whitehead

An indigenous Australian tree plant, used for tens of thousands of years by Aborigines before being forgotten after the arrival of Europeans Down Under, has the Sydney Olympics to thank for its remarkable comeback as a nutraceutical ingredient that can...

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