
Cleaver's ethos is that all food animals should be allowed to roam free in their paddock

Australian meat firm redesigns organic labelling

By Oscar Rousseau

Australian clean meat company Cleaver’s has redesigned its meat packaging to help consumers easily identify the ethical and humane way the company believes meat should be produced.

France to vote on palm oil tax

By Niamh Michail

A tax on palm oil destined for food could be on the cards in France as the government votes on its Biodiversity Bill this week.

Lhasa KFC opens its doors to divided opinion

China direct

Lhasa KFC opens its doors to divided opinion

By RJ Whitehead

Pressure groups have been lining up to criticise the opening of KFC’s first store in Tibet last week, while China’s official news agency labelled their reaction “a desperate cry”.



‘Demand-creation’ business model key to sustainability

By Will Chu

How to create a new high-value, sustainable business model for African ingredients? By focusing on demand-creation first, production second and engagement with communities, says the founder of baobab start-up Aduna. 

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GreenPalm palm oil goes greener – or does it?

By Niamh Michail

GreenPalm sustainable palm oil certificates will now offer buyers traceability back to the mill, meaning it is now the only fully inclusive supply chain open to all growers, says the trading platform. But campaigners are still calling it a "false...

Vitamins to Asia: The new Australian minerals boom

Food Vision Asia 2016 preview

Vitamins to Asia: The new Australian minerals boom

By RJ Whitehead

In just two years, Australia’s complementary medicines industry has grown from A$2.3bn (US$1.7bn) to A$4.2bn (US$3.1), with increasing acceptance and demand from consumers, both at home and abroad. 

Six-legged livestock: The next ‘bug’ thing


Six-legged livestock: The next ‘bug’ thing

By Massimo Reverberi, founder of Bugsolutely

There is only one obstacle between insect-based foods and supermarket shelves: western people don’t like to think of eating them. 

Meat traders plan to wait until 31 March before considering a protest

Mumbai meat traders angry with airport sales restrictions

By Raghavendra Verma, in New Delhi

Meat traders in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai are concerned about a potentially precedent-setting tightening of restrictions on sales within a 10-kilometre radius of the city’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. 

Reading the changes in Asia’s new coffee culture

Reading the changes in Asia’s new coffee culture

By RJ Whitehead

Coffee culture in Asia has been brewing a storm and growing in popularity in recent years, with most major cities now being awash with coffee shops not just in city centres but also gaining momentum in outlining areas.

Fonterra is dropping its milk price again by 6%

Fonterra drops milk price again

By Jim Cornall

Fonterra has reduced its forecast farmgate milk price for the 2015/16 season by 6% from $2.80 (NZ$4.15) per kgMS to $2.63 (NZ$3.90) per kgMS.

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Oman expands food production, looks to Iran

By Eliot Beer

Oman’s AATCO opens a new factory plant in Jeddah, as OFIC releases new details about its Dhofar dairy project, and the government considers investing in Iranian agriculture.

Salt content mislabelled in two-thirds of Indian processed foods

South Asia radius

Salt content mislabelled in two-thirds of Indian processed foods

By RJ Whitehead

Most food labelling in India shows an inaccurate representation of the salt that packaged products contain, a major study has found. The research comes at a time when growth in salt-related deaths in the country is surging.

Scientists find way to make sweetest sweetener taste sweeter


Scientists find way to make sweetest sweetener taste sweeter

By RJ Whitehead

Japanese researchers have devised a method to make one of the sweetest natural sweeteners even sweeter in a development that will be seen as a breakthrough at a time when consumers are moving away from sugar.

Potato named as China’s newest staple

Potato named as China’s newest staple

By RJ Whitehead

Five centuries after it was first introduced in China, the potato has finally been approved as a staple food and production is set to increase, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. 

Blommer buys Shanghai cocoa facility


Blommer buys Shanghai cocoa facility

By RJ Whitehead

America’s biggest chocolate supplier has acquired a manufacturing plant in Shanghai as part of an estimated US$40m investment in a fully integrated bean processing and chocolate manufacturing facility.

MPI has published new regulations around the sale of raw milk

MPI issues raw milk safety reminder

By Joseph James Whitworth

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has said raw milk is a high risk food and it's important that consumers understand why.

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France needs to boost algae production


France should ramp up its algae production to meet booming local demand for algae foods and nutrients, according to a report.

The app can even work in remote areas without 3G or 4G phone reception

App helps Aussie farmers improve standards

By Oscar Rousseau

A newly-launched app for beef farmers has been developed to help the meat and livestock industry set up a forage budget and improve best practices among producers.

Unraveling the reasons behind Taiwan’s ban on GMOs in school meals


Unraveling the reasons behind Taiwan’s ban on GMOs in school meals

By Dr Wendan Wang, associate scientist at Burdock Group Consultants

The regulation of GMOs in Taiwan is a complex story, as is the case worldwide, and the interplay of politics, science and business behind the scenes constantly modulates legislation, research and trade activities on the surface.

“A responsible approach to seaweed production is critical to minimising the environmental and social footprint of commercial seaweed production.”

Global seaweed production standard gets green light

By Kizzi Nkwocha

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has moved a step closer to its ambitious goal of creating a global certification standard for seaweed production after announcing it will be working on the project with the NGO Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC).

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