South Asia

India damned by food wastage report

India damned by food wastage report

By RJ Whitehead

A quantity of wheat equivalent to the entire production of Australia goes to waste each year in India, according to a new report on global food wastage.

Industry unimpressed by vague new GM labelling regulations

Industry unimpressed by vague new GM labelling regulations

By RJ Whitehead

This week, Indian consumers will begin to learn if some of the packaged foods they buy contain genetically-modified ingredients following a gazette notification issued by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. 

Cargill bets big on Indian processing operation

Cargill bets big on Indian processing operation

By RJ Whitehead

US agriculture giant Cargill aims to invest Rs50 crore (over US$91m) towards food processing across its Indian operation over the next two years. This figure also includes a US$73m corn milling unit, the head of its India operation has revealed.

Philippines looking towards India for growth

Philippines looking towards India for growth

By RJ Whitehead

The Philippines government has urged Filipino exporters to look for opportunities in India as a means to mitigate the current downturn in key markets like the United States and Europe.

Mixed bag of predictions in NZ’s latest trade report

Mixed bag of predictions in NZ’s latest trade report

By RJ Whitehead

New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industry has revealed that the country’s food industry is feeling the pinch as a result of the adverse global economic situation, even though favourable climatic conditions have been a boon to production. 

Changing farm preferences causing Indian seeds to sprout

State of the industry

Changing farm preferences causing Indian seeds to sprout

By RJ Whitehead

India’s seed industry is predicted to be worth Rs10,700 crore by 2015, according to a study by the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Assocham), corresponding to a 50% increase on the current value.

Last FDI hurdle defeated and cricketers like it spicy

India in brief

Last FDI hurdle defeated and cricketers like it spicy

By RJ Whitehead

A round-up of the big stories hitting India. Today: upper house quashes last challenge to FDI in retail, minister says he has no plans to raise tax on edible oil imports, premium food is big on growth and how England's cricketers are too 'finicky'.

FSSAI to regulate tea trade in India

FSSAI to regulate tea trade in India

By Ankush Chibber

India’s top commercial crop, its tea trade, will now come under the authority of the country’s top food safety watchdog.

Organic growth through well-laid plans in Karnataka

State of the industry

Organic growth through well-laid plans in Karnataka

By RJ Whitehead

Earlier this month a small story made its way into the Times of India—the country’s biggest-selling newspaper—to announce the opening of a shop that sells only organic products. For the rest of the world, this might be humdrum, but for India the event...

From chai to latte: India’s new coffee culture

State of the industry

From chai to latte: India’s new coffee culture

By RJ Whitehead

Coffee culture in India is flourishing thanks to the efforts of a few specialist coffee chains and the instant coffee players, says a new report from Rabobank. 

Groceries will thrive even with FDI

Groceries will thrive even with FDI

By RJ Whitehead

According to a new study in India, 800,000 people are employed directly by organised retail in India, and even without FDI, this number would grow to 2m by 2016—and double that when indirect employment is considered.

Lobbies wade into Indian sugar regulation debate

Lobbies wade into Indian sugar regulation debate

By RJ Whitehead

Now some time has passed since the Rangarajan Committee revealed its recommendations to remove restrictions on the sugar sector, industry groups have begun to put pressure on the government to accept or reject its findings.

Nestlé invests big in R&D centre for India

Nestlé invests big in R&D centre for India

By RJ Whitehead

Understanding India’s consumer food trends is never an easy job, and with this in mind, Nestlé has opened its first research and development centre in the country. It will use the new facility to generate a better knowledge of the market, tastes and people.  

Packaged food has great potential for those willing to dare

Packaged food holds potential for those who dare

By RJ Whitehead

Making a profit in India's packaged foods market may not be easy, but the at the moment it represents a tantalising opportunity that food companies cannot afford to ignore.

India must innovate to realise food processing potential

State of the industry

India must innovate to realise processing potential

By RJ Whitehead

Food processing is regarded as a sunrise industry in India. However, while it is true that there has been rapid growth over the past few years, the fact remains that the levels of processing and value addition have remained significantly low.

Supreme Court dithers over GM moratorium

GM in India - Latest

Supreme Court dithers over GM moratorium

By RJ Whitehead

Will they, won’t they or might they? In spite of a report filed by a panel of Indian agriculture experts calling for the government to impose a moratorium on open field trials of GM crops, the Supreme Court (SC)—which commissioned the report—has refused...

Group links Indian government with alleged FDI scam

Group links Indian government with alleged FDI scam

By RJ Whitehead

According to India’s leading trade representative body, ministers have been making deals with multinational corporations that have led to the government quietly amending the fine-print of its move towards foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail.

Haryana farmers demonstrate against GM corn trials

Insight India

Haryana farmers demonstrate against GM corn trials

By RJ Whitehead

Hundreds of farmers have turned out outside a regional research station in northern India as part of a peaceful protest against nearby open-air field trials of GM corn.

Drought sees less monsoon crops but soybean hits record acreage

Drought sees less monsoon crops but soybean hits record acreage

By RJ Whitehead

According to the latest planting progress report from the Indian Ministry of Agriculture, this year’s acreage of monsoon oilseed crops is down significantly over last year, even though soybean planting reached a record high amid fear of drought.

Probiotics on a charge in Asia, but players must get more organised

Probiotics on a charge in Asia, but players must get organised

With predicted growth of 15 to 20% imminent, probiotics in China and South Asia are destined for big things. But, according to Russell Ward, research director of food analyst Giract, a number of other factors must come into play before the segment reaches...

Indian consumers driving fruit and vegetable extract market

Indian consumers driving extract market

By Ankush Chibber

Indian consumers are far more aware of the functionality of food and beverage ingredients, which is driving innovation with fruit and vegetable extracts for ingredient manufacturers, a new report has revealed.

Study finds that 80% of urban Indian working women are overweight

80% of urban Indian working women are overweight

By RJ Whitehead

A new study has revealed that around 80% of urban Indian working women in the 25-45 age bracket are overweight as a result of sedentary lifestyles and changing food habits.

Eric Soubeiran is planning for expansion on the back of Fundooz's success

Danone to expand experimental Indian business unit

By RJ Whitehead

The experimental business unit that is dedicated to rolling out new Danone products for the masses in India has been deemed a success and will be expanded to other cities across the country.

Indian coffee growers suffering labour headache

Indian coffee growers suffering labour headache

By Ankush Chibber

India’s coffee industry is under severe stress due a shortage of skilled labour and must invest heavily in expanding its capabilities, a major industry association has said.

Indian brands gaining most social following

Indian brands gaining most social following

By RJ Whitehead

India’s domestic food and beverage brands have been growing their fan bases at a much faster rate than their global counterparts over the last year, according to research by Ketchum Sampark.

M&S food departments might become a feature across Indian high streets and malls

Rumour: India readying for single-brand FDI?

By Ankush Chibber

Bullish policymaking by the Indian government appears to be continuing with reports suggesting that it will now open up the food industry to single-brand foreign buy-ins.

Odisha has a rich history, but is also looking to the future of food processing

India food hub roll out continues

By Rod Addy

The roll out of a network of food and drink processing hubs in India is on track, with the latest Mega Food Park site confirmed at Malipada in the state of Odisha.

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