Markets & trends

Haze from Indonesian forest fires has become an annual phenomenon across the region

RSPO commends members on quick action to quench fires


Five RSPO-certified palm oil producers accused of contributing to Indonesian forest fires have submitted digital images of their plantations in an effort to clear their names – and the RSPO has commended them for fast action.

Average-tasting Tui still scores with NZ beer drinkers

Average-tasting Tui still scores with NZ beer drinkers


More New Zealand consumers drank Tui beer over an average four-week period than any other brand bar Heineken, despite the former’s relatively poor taste performance, says Roy Morgan Research.

Social media represents an extremely powerful B2B tool, it's not just for brand-building and consumer engagement, expert says

Social media: The B2B money maker?

By Kacey Culliney

Social media is an extremely powerful brand-building tool that engages consumers, but it can also be a platform for strong business relationships and revenue generation, an expert says.

India’s halal story is one of missed opportunities

Ankush at large

India’s halal story is one of missed opportunities

By Ankush Chibber

The impression I have always had when travelling abroad is that people overseas think of India as a Hindu-dominated country with a minority sprinkling of other religions. While that its true in essence, it is a fallacy when you talk in numbers. 

World slowly waking up to what Asia has known for years

Case study

World slowly waking up to what Asia has known for years

By RJ Whitehead

It is no secret Malaysia has a strict halal verification process and its certification is accepted across all Muslim countries, including the Middle East. But why did the country embark on a policy to tame the standards beast.

Hui halal hub bringing back Silk Road trade between China and Gulf

Snapshot: China

Hui halal hub bringing back Silk Road trade between China and Gulf

By RJ Whitehead

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in northwest China is home to 10% of the country’s 20m Muslims. While by no means does it have a majority Muslim population, the strong Islamic tradition by the ethnic Hui people of this Silk Road region dates back to its...

Brawling cricketer lands damaging blow to Oz alcohol self-regulation


Brawling cricketer lands damaging blow to Oz alcohol self-regulation

By RJ Whitehead

Cricket has for over a century been seen as a gentleman’s game, but that mantle fell a long time ago. The relentlessly evolving wealth and professionalism of the sport has served to “bring out the mongrel” in players in a way that would have been unheard...

Food producers: Stop thinking India is a monolith

Ankush at large

Food producers: Stop thinking India is a monolith

By Ankush Chibber

To continue on from my last piece, which questioned whether Indian food companies are targeting the right sort of kitchens—domestic, rather than commercial—it is now important to touch on the current trend among foreign food makers, who are wrongly viewing...

China's opaque approach to rice data is becoming a massive concern


China's opaque approach to rice data is becoming a massive concern

By RJ Whitehead

China’s rice production is proving to be a conundrum for analysts and food organisations the world over. The simple fact is, nobody knows with any degree of certainty what’s happening there, and what little that can be divined is nothing short of puzzling.

Fast food looks to China's hinterland towns for future growth

Fast food looks to China's hinterland towns for future growth

By RJ Whitehead

According to a new report by market researcher Mintel, China’s fast food and takeaway market is expected to reach RMB1.8tn (US$294bn) by 2017. The increase, it says, will be largely bolstered by rising economic power in lower-tier cities. 

India’s food processors simply targeting the wrong kitchens

Ankush at large

India’s food processors simply targeting the wrong kitchens

By Ankush Chibber

If you have been following all the big research and consulting companies’ reports, you will be well used to hearing the words “purchasing power”, “disposable income” and “larger grocery basket”, mostly in that order.

World waits to learn the impact of China and India’s rice market surge


World waits to learn the impact of China and India’s rice market surge

By RJ Whitehead

The recent rise of India as a rice exporter and of China—somewhat unexpectedly—as an importer is paving the way for increased uncertainty to the global market for the crop, according to one expert at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

Guar gold rush now coming to a halt

Indian commodities

Guar gold rush now coming to a halt

By RJ Whitehead

All signs indicate that India’s guar gum industry’s stellar year is on the wane, according to a new industry report.

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