Traditional & staple foods

Palm oil in troubled waters with new Sumatra death accusation

Palm oil in troubled waters with new Sumatra death accusation

By RJ Whitehead

Greenpeace has suggested that security forces in a palm oil concession linked to the supply of Wilmar International might have been complicit in the death of a member of the Sumatran indigenous community that has been fighting for the recognition of their...

United Nations calls for pro-family farming policies

United Nations calls for pro-family farming policies

By RJ Whitehead

The United Nations and its Food and Agriculture Organisation have appealed to governments to boost support to the world’s small-scale family farmers in order to win the fight against hunger. 

‘Happiest agriculture minister in the world’ announces bumper crop

‘Happiest agriculture minister in the world’ announces bumper crop

By RJ Whitehead

India is expecting to post its highest ever level of foodgrain production this year, according to the country’s agriculture minister, who is hopeful that a bumper yield will cool down the fast-rising food prices that have been a feature of the last six...

Photo Credit: Allow Golden Rice Now

What do the eco heretics mean for GM golden rice?

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Dr Patrick Moore – Greenpeace founding member and GM defector – represents a fear that lurks in the heart of all ideologists: Am I on the right side of the fence? Am I the goodie or the baddie? 

Photo credit: The Golden Rice Project

GM golden rice: Tables turn on Greenpeace

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

A dissident Greenpeace founding member claims the environmentalist group has become “a force for evil” in its campaigns against GM golden rice.

Low-income Australians cannot afford healthy foods

Low-income Australians cannot afford healthy foods

By Ankush Chibber

A healthy diet is for now out of reach for low-income Australians, with climate change affecting the ability of food systems to provide sufficient nutritious and affordable foods at all times new research has revealed.

Aussies find way to improve sugar yields through new bacterium

Aussies find way to improve sugar yields through new bacterium

By RJ Whitehead

University of Queensland scientists, in collaboration with the Australian sugar industry, have discovered a new species of bacterium that could potentially reduce the need for nitrogen fertiliser in cane farming while also improving yields of the crop.

Typhoon-hit farmers begin massive replanting programme

Typhoon-hit farmers begin massive replanting programme

By RJ Whitehead

One month after Typhoon Haiyan struck a devastating blow to the Philippines, farmers who lost essential crops and supplies are receiving the first wave of emergency seeds, restoring hope for a productive planting season and much-needed food for the coming...

Olive oil war heats up in Australia

Olive oil war heats up in Australia

By RJ Whitehead

Australian olive oil importers have taken the Australian Olive Association (AOA) to the competition watchdog over the industry body’s recent criticism towards olive oil imports. 

Australia running out of food freshers

Australia running out of food freshers

By Ankush Chibber

Australia’s is suffering from a crippling and an ever-increasing shortfall of young people interested in producing the country’s food, putting at risk its grand plans for being Asia’s food bowl.

High sodium: Intervention is one way to cure

High sodium: Intervention is one way to cure

By RJ Whitehead

A health programme based on community intervention has been shown to achieve a significant reduction in sodium intake among rural residents in northern China.

Fast action needed to save Philippines’ winter crops after typhoon

Fast action needed to save Philippines’ winter crops after typhoon

By RJ Whitehead

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation’s emergency chief expects that crops in areas of the Philippines that were worst hit by this month’s Typhoon Haiyan have been “severely compromised”, and has warned that action must be taken quickly...

If Indians can’t afford onions, let them eat chicken


If Indians can’t afford onions, let them eat chicken

By RJ Whitehead

A press release arrived last week from India with the headline “Chicken becomes cheaper than onions”. Needless to say, it raised a few eyebrows at the FoodNavigator head office in Montpellier, France.

Typhoon destruction puts Filipino farms and fisheries at risk

Typhoon destruction puts Filipino farms and fisheries at risk

By RJ Whitehead

The UN’s Food and Agriculture organisation has been mobilising support to the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, which tore through the country causing severe damage to the fisheries and agriculture sectors, as well as massive loss of life. 

The Rice Bun debuts in the US

Japanese rice processor in $10m US debut

By Jenny Eagle

Shinmei Co. Ltd is investing more than $10m in a rice processing facility in California to produce a gluten-free ‘Rice Bun’, an alternative to the burger bun, in the US.

China’s new charm offensive highlights positive side of GM crops


China’s new charm offensive highlights positive side of GM crops

By RJ Whitehead

China’s food safety authorities have really been ramping up their charm offensive in the last month. Not only have bodies like the China Food and Drug Administration been seen a flurry of activity in introducing new regulations and policing their patch,...

Coke or milk? A philosopher’s perspective


Coke or milk? A philosopher’s perspective

By Katherine Rich, CEO of the NZ Food & Grocery Council, and Julian Baggini

Food is a big part of all our lives not only providing sustenance, but enjoyment and a social experience. 

Indian farmers should fill home and overseas void by going organic

Indian farmers should fill home and overseas void by going organic

By RJ Whitehead

India’s organic food market is expecting to see grow at a rate of around 19% over the next four years, according to a new report. And to fuel this demand – and that of overseas countries – producers should battle bureaucracy and convert from conventional...

Free range prices prompt Oz watchdog to question claims

Free range prices prompt Oz watchdog to question claims

By RJ Whitehead

New South Wales’ fair trading department has been asked to investigate potentially misleading free-range egg claims after consumer watchdog Choice found that consumers are paying double the price of cage eggs for what is says products that are unlikely...

Indonesia’s plantation war with foreign conglomerates

Special report: Part II

Indonesia’s plantation war with foreign conglomerates

By Rick Beckmann, senior foreign legal counsel, and Aldi Rakhmatillah, associate, of Susandarini & Partners, in association with Norton Rose Fulbright Australia

How should Indonesia and, more to the point, the local community, benefit from foreign investment in plantations?

Indonesian plantation monopolies under threat

Special report: Part I

Indonesian plantation monopolies under threat

By Rick Beckmann, senior foreign legal counsel and Aldi Rakhmatillah, associate, of Susandarini & Partners in association with Norton Rose Fulbright Australia

The Indonesian Government is planning to crack down on further expansion of groups in the powerful palm oil plantation industry and, indirectly, foreign conglomerates.

Indonesian deputy trade minister: “Given that cocoa bean demand for domestic processing is increasing significantly, we have to review our current import policy.

Indonesian trade minister urges cocoa import policy review

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

The Indonesian deputy trade minister has said that after successfully increasing domestic cocoa grinding capacity the country should lower cocoa bean import duties to prevent shortages in the future.