
The GCC VAT had got food firms worries. ©iStock

Food firms worry about arrival of Gulf VAT

By RJ Whitehead

A Gulf-wide goods and services tax that will come into effect next year has been one of the main talking points among companies exhibiting at Gulfood Manufacturing this year, with its ripple effect likely to impact business in the food industry.

Tetra Pak sees reasons for optimism in the Middle East.

Dubai launches hint at Middle East’s growing clout for Tetra Pak

By RJ Whitehead

It is no coincidence that Tetra Pak has chosen the Middle East as its launch site for a trio of new products. Doing so reflects the relative importance of this previously unsophisticated market, which the company now brands as “dynamic” and sees as having...

Momentum-building Chinese trade could be complimented by a big 'breakthrough' in Saudi Arabia

China to slash tax on Australian cattle

By Oscar Rousseau

Australia’s multi-million dollar livestock trade with China has been boosted by the Asian giant’s decision to axe a tax on slaughter cattle and sheep by 1 January 2019.

COFCO has sold its Nidera Seeds business to Syngenta AG, after the acquisition was only complete in February. ©GettyImages

COFCO sells Nidera Seeds to Syngenta

By Lester Wan

One of China’s state-owned and largest food processors and manufacturers, COFCO, has sold its Nidera Seeds business to Syngenta AG.

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