
The countries are in the final phases of discussions

Brazil set to recommence meat exports into key markets

By Ashley Williams

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) is in the final stages of negotiations with key markets, including Indonesia and Russia, to restart exporting beef and pork.

US beef imports to Taiwan are expected to jump 25%

Demand for Korean BBQ driving US beef imports in Taiwan

By Dinah Gardner

Prospects for US beef sales in Taiwan are looking rosy, buoyed by a good economy and greater demand from Korean BBQ and hotpot restaurants sourcing high-quality cuts, according to the US Meat Export Federation (USMEF).

Doctoral student Marie Lawton measures an alcoholic drink made from dairy waste. Pic: Cornell University

Dairy ‘beer’ in the pipeline

By Jim Cornall

Dairy that is fermented and brewed like beer could soon be on tap as Sam Alcaine, assistant professor at Cornell University’s Department of Food Science, turns dairy waste into an alcoholic drink.

Biotechnology company Novozymes is opening a new Technology & Innovation Centers in Istanbul. Pic: Novozymes

Novozymes opens Turkish Innovation & Technology Centre

By Gill Hyslop

Novozymes inaugurated its new Innovation & Technology Centre in Istanbul this month, focused on developing enzymes that could ultimately reduce food waste in the MEA (Middle East Africa) region.

Hong Kong, accounting for a quarter of Japan’s food export trade, is among 55 countries that have blocked shipments from Fukushima. ©GettyImages

Hong Kong to maintain Fukushima export ban

By RJ Whitehead

Seven years after a tsunami wiped out a nuclear reactor in Fukushima, causing widespread radiation contamination in a largely agricultural region, the prefecture continues to struggle in getting crucial overseas markets to accept its produce.


US craft beer exports top $125m

By Rachel Arthur

International distribution of US craft beers continued to grow in 2017, with export volume up 3.6%, according to the Brewers Association.

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