
A potential trade war between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping may hit pork trade

US-China trade war threat analysed

By Oscar Rousseau

The threat of a trade war between two of the world’s most powerful countries China and the United States is low, but analysts warn it could dramatically damage pork trade.

China could retaliate to US posturing as trade crisis brews

China could retaliate to US posturing as trade crisis brews

By RJ Whitehead

A trade dispute hovering between China and America has the potential to become a fully fledged trade war, especially while western trade ministers grapple to find ways to ward off new Chinese regulations that they say amount a fresh barrier of trade.

H5N1 outbreak progresses in northern Malaysia

Dateline Southeast Asia

H5N1 outbreak progresses in northern Malaysia

By RJ Whitehead

A week after the first cases of H5N1 avian flu were found in northern Malaysia, the outbreak has spread to more districts, though at the time of writing no human infections have been reported.

Outbreaks of avian influenza in the region has led to Singapore increasing preventative measures

Singapore steps up avian influenza prevention measures

By Aidan Fortune

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) has moved to reassure consumers that the nation’s poultry and poultry products are safe for consumption following an outbreak of H5N1 avian flu in the neighbouring region of Kelantan in Malaysia. 

From left to right: Bord Bia CEO Tara McCarthy,Michael Creed and Reif Othman

Politician plugs Irish beef in Dubai

By Oscar Rousseau

Premium Irish beef has benefited from government support in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, helped secure endorsement from one of Dubai’s top chefs.

Death by 1,000 regulations: China’s policy of legislative attrition


Death by 1,000 regulations: China’s policy of legislative attrition

By Paul O'Brien

China accession to the WTO was granted in 2001 and built on the foundations of the previous generation's great sacrifice during the industrial and agricultural revolutions, and the great economic reforms and opening-up of the 1980s. The final acceptance...

Nepal’s offered agriculture road map as it prepares for federalism

Nepal’s offered agriculture road map as it prepares for federalism

By RJ Whitehead

Adjusting Nepal’s complex agricultural economy to a federalist system laid out by the new constitution will require some adjustment, though a new paper from the International Food Policy Research Institute proposes several policy measures to ease the...

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