
NZ funds research for improved seeds and plants

NZ funds research for improved seeds and plants

By RJ Whitehead

A new research programme being co-funded by the New Zealand government and a Chinese-owned seed company sets out to improve seed and plant species for farmers, improve animal productivity and minimise environmental impacts.

The Food Alliance called into question food security under the terms of the green paper

Food advocate launches volley on Oz produce plan

By RJ Whitehead

An Australian food policy unit yesterday branded the country’s food system as “broken”, and blamed it for contributing to a raft of issues currently affecting society.

Darrell Lea seals IGA supermarket supply deal

Darrell Lea seals IGA supermarket supply deal

By Oliver Nieburg

Australian confectioner Darrel Lea’s new owners have wasted little time in getting a foothold in the national commercial channels having secured a deal for 1,400 Independent Grocers of Australia (IGA) supermarkets to stock its confections.

Coke wows Kiwis with personalized PET bottles

Coke wows Kiwis with personalized PET bottles

By Ben Bouckley

Coca-Cola New Zealand is selling PET bottles of Coke personalized with one of 150 names popular in the country, and encouraging Facebook fans to 'share a virtual can'.

Monash University's Mark Wahlqvist

Study labels food security as important as world peace

By RJ Whitehead

New research suggests that securing a sustainable supply of nutritious food to feed the world’s fast-growing population is as big an issue as fighting wars, preventing disease and saving the environment.

Australian consumers still eating local

Australian consumers still eating local

By Ankush Chibber

Australian food producers have hit on a some good news after a new survey revealed that  Australians like to eat local food and shun imports.

'NZ spirits industry ripe for investment'

'NZ spirits industry ripe for investment'

By Ankush Chibber

A growing number of investors are eyeing New Zealand’s nascent spirits industry, with many small and medium-sized firms jostling to replicate the successes of the country’s wine growers, a new report has revealed.

Wild snapper

NZ fish ranching wins US$4m boost

By Ankush Chibber

The Plant & Food Research Institute in New Zealand has received more than NZ$5 million (US$4m) in the latest round of government-backed science funding to develop fish ranching.

No easy swim across the Tasman Sea

No easy swim across the Tasman Sea for food processors

By Ankush Chibber

Food manufacturers shifting their operations from Australia to New Zealand across the Tasman Sea have come under the scanner in the region with workers alleging the practice is being used as a threat.

Listeria-killing Listex P100 given FSANZ approval

Listeria-killing phage product gets FSANZ approval

By Mark Astley

Listeria-killing Listex P100 has been approved for use in Australia and New Zealand, making it the first bacteriophage product for food safety to be permitted for use in Australasia.

Fonterra reports record export figures

Fonterra reports record export figures

By Mark Astley

Fonterra, the world’s biggest exporter of dairy products, achieved a record export in the final three months of the 2011/12 season.

Nothing to see here: Fonterra says there is no problem with its use of permeates and won't be changing

Fonterra firm against removing permeate

By Ankush Chibber

New Zealand’s largest dairy cooperative is refusing to join milk producers and marquee retailers that are removing permeate from their milk brands.

Auckland plans fat attack

Auckland plans fat attack

By Ankush Chibber

New Zealand's biggest city - Auckland - is toying with the idea of dropping junk food advertising from public property – a move that could set a dangerous national precedent for food manufacturers.

Oz-NZ proposes WHO bottled water chemical limits

Oz-NZ proposes WHO bottled water chemical limits

By Ankush Chibber

Australia and New Zealand’s food standards regulator is calling for submissions on an application seeking to adopt World Health Organization (WHO) limits for chemicals in packaged water in the region.

Kiwi sheep meat faces EU blues, says report

Kiwi sheep meat faces EU blues, says report

By Ankush Chibber

New Zealand’s sheep industry is facing export challenges, with European economic uncertainty almost certain to hit their prospects going forward.

A Rajasthani dairy farmer

Dairy stalls India-NZ Free Trade talks

By Ankush Chibber

Free trade discussions between India and New Zealand have hit an obstacle with the former refusing any concrete move to open its dairy sector to the Kiwis.

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