
Resveratrol may improve blood flow in the brain: Study

Resveratrol may improve blood flow in the brain: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Supplements of the polyphenol were found to increase blood flow in the brains of people with type 2 diabetes, a population known to be at increased risk of cognitive decline because of microvascular dysfunction.

“A responsible approach to seaweed production is critical to minimising the environmental and social footprint of commercial seaweed production.”

Global seaweed production standard gets green light

By Kizzi Nkwocha

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has moved a step closer to its ambitious goal of creating a global certification standard for seaweed production after announcing it will be working on the project with the NGO Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC).

Photo: iStock

Deficiency of vitamin B12 a concern among elderly

By Adi Menayang

Lack of vitamin B12 among the elderly has been linked with serious health conditions, and researchers in Canada found that vitamin B12 deficiency is prevalent in long-term care facilities.

Image: © iStockPhoto / Kagenmi

An Update on the Quality of Australian and New Zealand Products

Omega-3 fish oil products and responding to a flawed research study

By Terri Albert, Kevin Krail, Lalen Dogan, Peter D Nichols and Andrew Sinclair

How does the industry respond when a scientific study comes out that is critical of quality and label claim for an omega-3 fish oil supplement, and, in the opinion of many experts, the research is flawed?

Pre-conception folic acid supplementation may reduce preterm birth risk by 8% and small-for-gestational-age birth risk by 19% compared to those not using supplements. Photo credit:

When should pregnant women take folic acid?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Taking folic acid supplements pre-conception may lower the risk of preterm birth and small-for-gestational-age, but post-conception may be too late to have an effect, according to research in 240,954 pregnant women.

This Nestlé campaign helped raise awareness of the consequences of iron deficiency (like anaemia) in the Philippines from 19% to 65% in one year

Special edition: Battling malnutrition. Exclusive with Nestlé head of public health nutrition

Nestlé: Profit is not a dirty word in the race against global malnutrition


Commercial and public health gain needn’t be opposed bedfellows in the battle against malnutrition among the world’s poorest people, says the chief of public health nutrition at the world’s biggest food firm.

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