
A deathcap mushroom. Picture: Food Safety Information Council

Wild mushroom warning in Australia

By Joseph James Whitworth

Wild mushrooms should not be picked or eaten due to the health risks they pose, according to the Food Safety Information Council.

Dr Semanto Halder.

More Asia-specific research needed to improve nutrition knowledge

By Gary Scattergood

More high-quality Asia-specific research on local foods and their impact on the population is needed to help improve nutrition and combat the growing number of diet-related illnesses across the continent, a seminar in Singapore has heard.

New Zealand study: Boysenberries help improve lung function

New Zealand study: Boysenberries help improve lung function

By Gary Scattergood

New research from New Zealand suggests that regular boysenberry consumption may improve lung function by reducing symptoms associated with inflammation of the airways, which can cause conditions such as asthma.

Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’


Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’

By Gary Scattergood

The Australian Diabetes Society president has said people with type 2 diabetes should be wary of social media hype about the benefits of going on the paleo diet, arguing there have been no trials going beyond 12 weeks.

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