Markets & trends

Asia-Pacific sweetener market dynamics

Asia-Pacific sweetener market dynamics

By RJ Whitehead

Asia-Pacific stands out both as a region with high sweetener consumption and consistent growth. By 2019, the region is predicted to overtake declining Western Europe. 

Japan's restaurants are looking forward to Meat Day

Japan ‘meat day’ looms – sales boom expected

By Kathryn Wortley

Butchers, supermarkets and barbecue restaurants in Japan are gearing up for the national meat trade’s busiest day of the year, dubbed ‘Meat Day’ – on 9 February. 

A Kadence International study has found that Meiji and Marigold dominate the yogurt market in Singapore. Pic: ©iStock/szefei

Guest article

Top 5 yogurt brands in Singapore

By Patrick Young, insight director, Kadence International

Yogurt is enjoyed by almost all age groups across all regions, and endorsed now more than ever due to its probiotic benefits and nutrition value.

Norovirus outbreak linked to oysters

Oysters behind norovirus outbreak in New Zealand

By Joseph James Whitworth

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in New Zealand has warned people not to eat certain brands of chilled oysters as they may be contaminated with norovirus.

Austrian confectioner PEZ has sealed licences for Super Mario, Transformers and Spongebob Squarepants dispensers among others in 2017

PEZ primes for China entry

By Oliver Nieburg

PEZ is preparing to enter China later this year as it announces a string of dispenser licenses for 2017, including Super Mario and Transformers.

Japanese wagyu beef is among the most popular tax gifts in Japan

Japan's tax diversion scheme lifts wagyu beef sales

By Kathryn Wortley

A scheme by Miyazaki Prefecture, which offers local wagyu in return for tax payments to its municipalities from residents in other parts of the country, is supporting regional livestock farmers and meat producers.

Donald Trump ripped up the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal (Flickr/Gage Skidmore)

US meat industry wants Asia deal as Trump kills TPP

By Keith Nuthall

The North American Meat Institute (NAMI) has called on President Donald Trump to negotiate a bilateral trade deal with Asia after he withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Australia’s generations of fast-food fans

Australia’s generations of fast-food fans

By RJ Whitehead

Generations Y and Z are still markedly more likely than their seniors to eat at big-name fast-food chains, though the rate they visit them is in slow decline—perhaps due to the rise of hipster hangouts.

El Niño disruption causes palm kernel prices to double

El Niño disruption causes palm kernel prices to double

By RJ Whitehead

Palm kernel oil prices have almost doubled in the last year to their highest levels in over five years due to the impact of the El Niño weather phenomenon in the Pacific ocean, which slashed availability throughout the 2015-16 season. 

A New Zealand government program aims to help develop the sheep milk industry in the country. Pic: ©iStock/brians101

New Zealand sheep milk PGP program kicks off

By Jim Cornall

Building an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable industry to meet the growing demand for sheep milk products is the goal of a new sheep milk Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) program that has officially kicked off in New Zealand.

Leadsom (left) with ’s Elsa Fairbanks and Nairn’s Oatcake’s Kate Birrell

DEFRA’s food export policy to China under fire

By Matt Atherton

Environment secretary Andrea Leadsom’s plan to export more British food and drink products to China has been criticised by a panel of industrialists from the sector, members of which claimed even the most experienced exporters would struggle to break...

Cider sales boom as festive early-adopters swap brands

This week Down Under

Cider sales boom as festive early-adopters swap brands

By RJ Whitehead

Cider is not only Australia’s fastest-growing alcoholic beverage by far, its consumption also spikes dramatically during the southern summer months, market research suggests.

Kazakhstan has seen a steady rise in organic meat production this year

Kazakhstan eyes export of organic meat to Asia

By Vladislav Vorotnikov

Kazakhstan may become one of the largest organic meat exporters in Asia, establishing export supplies of up to 360,000 tonnes (t) of organic beef and lamb per year, primarily to China. 

Danish Crown called Asia a 'promising market' with strong potential for growth

Danish organic meat exports to Asia rising

By Poorna Rodrigo

Denmark’s organic meat exports to Asia, fuelled especially by sales to mainland China and Hong Kong, rose steadily in 2015 compared with the year before.

Chinese dairy shoppers becoming less satisfied with their milk

China direct

Chinese dairy shoppers becoming less satisfied with their milk

By RJ Whitehead

Customer satisfaction is on a downward spiral among Chinese dairy consumers, according to the latest national research report on shoppers’ attitudes to liquid milk, which also highlighted how the public are now demanding higher-quality products.

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