
Salmonella illness reported by week (case count 140)

More than 150 sickened, outbreak started late last year

Sweden investigates Salmonella from spices outbreak

By Joseph James Whitworth

More than 150 people have been sickened by Salmonella in Sweden with authorities linking the illnesses to spice mix.

Volunteers required for exercise test. Reward: 3D-printed chocolate


Volunteers required for exercise test. Reward: 3D-printed chocolate

By RJ Whitehead

Melbourne researcher Rohit Ashok Khot has found the sweetest way in the world to get people to exercise: he rewards others with chocolate treats made on a 3D food printer. The more they exercise, the smoother the chocolate they get to eat. 

Pope Francis weighs into the GMO debate

Pope Francis weighs into the GMO debate

By Elaine Watson

Pope Francis has weighed into the debate over GM crops, arguing that while he doesn’t believe there is any “conclusive proof that GM cereals are harmful to human beings”, he worries about their effects on the ecosystem, and argues that they have resulted...

Blackmores-sponsored research post polarises scientific opinion


Blackmores-sponsored research post polarises scientific opinion

By RJ Whitehead

The decision by Blackmores, the well-known Australian supplements company, to fund alternative medicine research at Sydney Univeristy has sparked a debate into whether universities should accept money from corporations to fund research.

Sabinsa expands Ayurvedic herb cultivation as demand grows

Sabinsa expands Ayurvedic herb cultivation as demand grows

By Stephen Daniells

Botanical supplier Sabinsa is expanding its existing cultivation program for Indian herbs to ensure sustainable supply of ingredients such as turmeric, gac, and black ginger, in order to match demand in the global US$1.6 billion market.

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

By Elaine Watson

Attacking biotech companies and spurning ‘artificial’ ingredients will usually generate some positive PR for your business, even if food scientists wearily point out that there are greater threats to our health - and the planet - than GMOs and dough conditioners...

UK team shows insect feed comparable to fishmeal

UK team shows insect feed comparable to fishmeal

By Jane Byrne

Insect derived protein meal has a similar amino acid profile to fishmeal and can be used in broiler diets with no effect on weight gain or FCR, found a UK research project.

The outstanding India-IRRI partnership

Guest essay

The outstanding India-IRRI partnership

By MS Swaminathan

At the time of establishing the International Rice Research Institute (Irri) in 1960, Dr Sterling Wortman of the Rockefeller Foundation seriously considered India as a potential location for the institute. However, Los Baños in Laguna, Philippines, was...

Edible insects in focus at Wixon, working with cricket flour

60-second interview: Lisa Andrews, research & development assistant, Wixon

Edible insects in focus: What is cricket flour like to work with?

By Elaine Watson

Edible insects - crickets in particular – have picked up a lot of positive PR lately as firms look for alternative sources of protein. But what is cricket flour like to work with? FoodNavigator-USA caught up with Lisa Andrews (LA), research & development...

A new method for cooking rice that could slash calories by increasing levels of resistant starch may have applications for food companies using rice.

Changing how rice is cooked could cut calories

By Nathan Gray

A novel cooking and cooling process for rice could help slash the number of calories absorbed by the body by more than half by increasing levels of resistant starch, say researchers.

How hemp seed oil could offer new hope to epilepsy sufferers


How hemp seed oil could offer new hope to epilepsy sufferers

By Paul Benhaim

It is well established that the brain has metabolic requirements that must be satisfied by what we eat or in the case of infants, “what their mother eats”. In particular, dietary fats are fundamentally important for thinking, learning and memory abilities,...

Feijoa and blackberry could give new focus for inflammation treatment

New Zealand

Feijoa and blackberry could give new focus for inflammation treatment

By RJ Whitehead

New Zealand scientists believe that feijoa and blackberry extracts could be central to the development of new treatments for inflammatory bowel disease after the two fruits came top of a field of 12 others in terms their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant...

You’d have to be a dope not to realise the benefits of hemp’s CBD

Australian complementary health under the spotlight

You’d have to be a dope not to realise the benefits of hemp’s CBD

By RJ Whitehead

Stoners have had their day in the push to legalise cannabis for recreational use. Now, consumers and patients are in increasing numbers turning to the plant’s beneficial properties to bring about a “wellness revolution”, according to the owner of the...

Zero-calorie sweeteners: There's not enough human evidence to warrant new advice

Do zero-calorie sweeteners increase diabetes risk?


“Artificial sweeteners may boost diabetes risk” ran the headline in the New York Times last month – but experts have said to take recent research with a pinch of salt.

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