Food safety

Shanghai municipal chief urges greater protection for whistleblowers


Shanghai municipal chief urges greater protection for whistleblowers

By RJ Whitehead

Journalists and whistleblowers should be given more protection as they expose food safety scandals, Shanghai’s chief official told a municipal meeting in the wake of last week’s expired meat scandal that has embroiled a number of international fast food...

General manager and quality control boss arrested in Husi scandal


General manager and quality control boss arrested in Husi scandal

By RJ Whitehead

One of the five employees arrested in China’s latest food-safety scandal has been named as the general manager of the US-owned Shanghai Husi Foods operation, while another is the head of its quality control department, police have revealed.

Scandal-hit CEO brands own company's practices ‘unacceptable'


Scandal-hit CEO brands own company's practices ‘unacceptable'

By RJ Whitehead

The chief executive of OSI Group, the American owner of the meat processor under investigation by Chinese authorities for supplying expired meat to international fast-food chains including McDonald’s and KFC, has “sincerely apologised” for events over...

McDonald’s, KFC apologise in China’s latest food safety scare


McDonald’s, KFC apologise in China’s latest food safety scare

By RJ Whitehead

Allegations concerning the sale of expired meat by American-owned Shanghai Husi Food to the Chinese operations of McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut have forced the fast food chains to suspend orders while the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration investigates.

Codex sets new maximum levels for lead and arsenic


Codex sets new maximum levels for lead and arsenic

By RJ Whitehead

With the safety of infant formula and Asia’s reliance on rice never far from the headlines, the United Nations body responsible for food standards has now set new acceptable levels of lead in the former and arsenic in the region’s biggest crop.

China to champion food safety liability insurance


China to champion food safety liability insurance

By Andrew Schreiber

China’ s Food and Drug Administration has revealed that it is working on a food-safety liability insurance programme in high-risk industries, such as those involving dairy and meat products.

Consultation opens on infant formula proposals

New Zealand

Consultation opens on infant formula proposals

By RJ Whitehead

Food safety minister Nikki Kaye has announced the opening of consultation on measures that aim to ensure the robustness of New Zealand’s assurance system for infant formula exports.

China's draft food safety law will open door for supplements exporters


New draft law is a step in the right direction for supps exporters

By RJ Whitehead

A recent draft reform of China’s Food Safety Law, which is now available for public comment, is a great improvement for supplements exporters who have been increasingly frustrated at the time and expense required to gain certification in the country. 

Contaminated irrigation water is a potential source

Norovirus risk from Chinese strawberries warning

By Nicholas Robinson

Strawberries from China will be subject to stiffer checks for norovirus and hepatitis A at EU borders, following an alert about contaminated produce from the EU's Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF).

Time for a rethink on saturated fat?

Special edition: Oils & fats

Time for a rethink on saturated fat?

By Elaine Watson

If the cover of TIME magazine earlier this month (headline: Eat Butter) is anything to go by, it would seem that the conversation about fat, and saturated fat in particular, is changing, at least in the media. But are policymakers sitting up and taking...

Mekitec looking for distribution partners in India

Launched world’s smallest x-ray control system in 2011

Mekitec looking for distribution partners in India

By Jenny Eagle

Mekitec food inspection systems is expanding in India and looking for distribution partners to sell and offer service support for its x-ray technology.

Every year in the US 100-150 people die from food allergy incidences - something that is 'preventable', says a scientific expert on allergens

Dispatches from IFT 2014

Food allergies remain 'major' public health issue

By Kacey Culliney

Peanuts, wheat and egg are among several allergens that continue to be a global public health issue, and so industry must act with caution when developing allergen-free products, warns a scientific expert.

Keeping it clean: 3 botanical chiefs pull adulteration weeds

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2014

Keeping it clean: 3 botanical chiefs pull adulteration weeds


Botanical adulteration, like doping in sports, is a problem that can be controlled but never totally resolved, but what is being done about it? Here the world’s biggest botanical players debate their attacks on the problem.

Obesity a threat to global food security: DuPont

Obesity a threat to global food security: DuPont

By Maggie Hennessy

Nearly three quarters (70%) of countries worldwide improved their food security in the past year, according to data from the 2014 Global Food Security Index jointly presented by DuPont and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). But the global threat obesity...

Green group calls for ban on nanomaterials


Green group calls for ban on nanomaterials

By Andrew Schreiber

An environmental group in Australia has warned against the increasing use of nanomaterials in the food chain, calling for a ban on them until the further research on their safety can be conducted.

'No concerns': EFSA has given Monsanto the thumbs up for its SDA-rich genetically modified soybean crop.

EFSA gives Monsanto the green light on SDA-rich GM soy

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has delivered a positive scientific opinion on Monsanto’s MON 87769 soybean crop, which has been genetically modified to contain stearidonic acid.

10% of babies expected to develop food allergies in first year


10% of babies expected to develop food allergies in first year

By Andrew Schreiber

One in 10 Australian babies will develop a food allergy by their first birthday, medical experts and health groups said while calling on the Australian government to recognise food allergy as a national health priority.

Oz acrylamide, aluminium levels safe yet still 'potentially harmful'

Oz acrylamide, aluminium levels safe yet still 'potentially harmful'

By RJ Whitehead

Food Standards Australia New Zealand, the Australasian regulator, has said that consumers’ exposure to acrylamide and aluminium through their diets is within international guidelines, even if these levels are still sufficient to pose a concern to health.

Heavy metals from China's farmland put consumers in Australia at risk

Heavy metals from China's farmland put consumers in Australia at risk

By RJ Whitehead

The risk of consuming harmful heavy metals by eating produce from China’s heavily polluted farmland is now so great that one Australian industry body has warned a parliamentary inquiry due to look into country-of-origin labelling laws that current requirements...

Aus and NZ must have guts to nuke alien invaders


Aus and NZ must have guts to nuke alien invaders

By RJ Whitehead

Isolated from the rest of the world, New Zealand and Australia are critically at risk from alien invaders of the most threatening kind: biological pests from overseas that prey on the countries’ indigenous and vulnerable agricultural produce.

China in a battle to save its farmland


China in a battle to save its farmland

By Ankush Chibber

Mainland China has a nation-threatening soil pollution problem, with areas equivalent to double the size of Spain covered in polluted soil, a government survey has revealed.

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