Food safety

Rat study finds rancid fish oil deadly, but humans shouldn't worry

Rat study finds rancid fish oil deadly, but humans shouldn't worry

By RJ Whitehead

A third of the offspring of rats fed with high doses of oxidised fish oil during pregnancy did not survive beyond two days, a New Zealand-authored study has found, prompting safety officials to stress that there is no evidence of a food-safety risk from...

German researchers tested the long-held theory that garlic consumption by a breast-feeding mother has an effect on her milk. ©iStock/szeyuen

Garlic consumption affects breast milk, says study

By Eliot Beer

Eating garlic can lead to a garlic smell and the presence of garlic-derived compounds in breast milk, but transmission is more complex than previously thought, according to a new study.

Picture: GFSI from the China Focus Day

CFSI poised for food safety advances - GFSI

By Joseph James Whitworth

The annual GFSI China Focus Day had ‘unprecedented’ support from government and engagement from the private sector, according to the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

Regulator seeks opinions on a raft of new food safety proposals

Australia/New Zealand

Regulator seeks opinions on a raft of new food safety proposals

By RJ Whitehead

Food Standards Australia New Zealand has called for submissions on four new amendments to antipodean food safety regulations covering the use of water in wine production, propionates in processed meat, L-cysteine monohydrochloride as a food additive and...

David Shark, WTO deputy director-general. Picture: WTO

Boost for Sri Lankan cinnamon industry

By Joseph James Whitworth

A joint project is helping cinnamon producers in Sri Lanka meet food safety and hygiene standards to boost export opportunities.

China and America play leading role in spreading invasive species

China and America play leading role in spreading invasive species

By Richard Whitehead

Wealthy countries such as China and America pose the greatest threat to global crop production by being leading sources of invasive species, according to Australian research, which also found that sub-Saharan African countries are most at risk.

Haram ingredients hidden in food

Haram ingredients hidden in food

By Eliot Beer

Muslim consumers may be unintentionally consuming significant quantities of “hidden” haram ingredients in food products thanks to complex supply chains, according to a new report.

Cautious response to regulator’s 'inconclusive' nano-tech review

Australia/New Zealand

Cautious response to regulator’s 'inconclusive' nano-tech review

By RJ Whitehead

The antipodean food regulator has commissioned an advisory group to assess the safety of nano-technology following the release of two reports reviewing the effects of nano-particles in food additives and food packaging.

Fsanz awards Ingredion’s Hi-Maize digestive health claim approval


Fsanz awards Ingredion’s Hi-Maize digestive health claim approval

By RJ Whitehead

Ingredion has obtained a general-level digestive health claim from the A for its Hi-Maize resistant starch stating that the ingredient “helps to maintain/support a healthy digestive system when consumed as part of a healthy diet made up of a variety of...

Self-regulated meat inspection is benefiting the few, the Australian Beef Association said

Call for Aussie meat inspection overhaul

By Oscar Rousseau

Australian beef producers risk losing out on profits as a result of biased meat graders, encouraged by big corporations to downgrade carcases and reduce the amount processors pay out.

URC Vietnam investigated for excess lead in soft drinks

URC Vietnam investigated for excess lead in soft drinks

By RJ Whitehead

Vietnam’s health ministry has blocked the sale of five containers of green tea and energy drinks manufactured by the local unit of a leading Philippines food and beverage firm, claiming that the products contained excessive amounts of lead.

Review supports safety of green tea extracts

Review supports safety of green tea extracts

By Hank Schultz

A recent systematic review of clinical trials using green tea extract underscores the ingredient’s overall safety, despite some recent associations with liver damage.

Regulator cracks down on illegal packaged drinking water manufacturers


Regulator cracks down on illegal packaged drinking water manufacturers

By RJ Whitehead

India’s food regulator has directed state food safety officials to identify cases where packaged drinking water brands do not carry either the FSSAI or Bureau of Indian Standards’ certification marks, and take strict action in cases where the regulations...

Singapore prepares for $15m study to demystify diabetes

Singapore prepares for $15m study to demystify diabetes

By RJ Whitehead

Singapore researchers hope that a S$20m (US$14.7m) project will “change diabetes’ natural course” in a country whose diabetic population is expected to top 1m by 2050—more than double the current figure out of a population of 5.4m.

Sugar tax one step closer to implementation in Thailand

Dateline Southeast Asia

Sugar tax one step closer to implementation in Thailand

By RJ Whitehead

Soft drinks could cost up to 25% more in Thailand after the National Reform Steering Assembly’s health panel approved by 153 votes to two a proposal to increase taxes for non-alcoholic drinks with high content of sugar.

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