East Asia

Mary Ellen Sanders:

Japanese dairy backs bifidobacteria

By Anne Bruce

Scientists have called new discoveries from leading Japanese dairy product company Morinaga Milk Industry on popular probiotic genus bifidobacteria, “an interesting first step”.

General Mills opens Shanghai development centre to boost China market


General Mills spends big on Asian product development

By RJ Whitehead

In a move to channel more investment into its growing Chinese market, food major General Mills has opened its first major technical centre outside of its Minneapolis headquarters. 

China to champion food safety liability insurance


China to champion food safety liability insurance

By Andrew Schreiber

China’ s Food and Drug Administration has revealed that it is working on a food-safety liability insurance programme in high-risk industries, such as those involving dairy and meat products.

Who drinks more wine – the Chinese or the Japanese?

Who drinks more wine – the Chinese or the Japanese?


Isn’t the answer obvious? The Chinese, with their thirst for fine French wines, New World reds and keenness to plant vineyards over the past five years, easily outstrip the economically stressed, beer-loving Japanese.

China's draft food safety law will open door for supplements exporters


New draft law is a step in the right direction for supps exporters

By RJ Whitehead

A recent draft reform of China’s Food Safety Law, which is now available for public comment, is a great improvement for supplements exporters who have been increasingly frustrated at the time and expense required to gain certification in the country. 

Contaminated irrigation water is a potential source

Norovirus risk from Chinese strawberries warning

By Nicholas Robinson

Strawberries from China will be subject to stiffer checks for norovirus and hepatitis A at EU borders, following an alert about contaminated produce from the EU's Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF).

Bright Food eager to snap up more big international acquisitions


Bright Food eager to snap up more big international acquisitions

By RJ Whitehead

Unbowed by the decision by credit agency Moody’s to downgrade its outlook last month to “negative” following the recent near-billion-dollar Tnuva buy-in, Bright Food is now said to be looking to spend a further US$1.6bn on new deals.

Scientists link poor nutrition with chronic diseases for first time


Scientists link poor nutrition with chronic diseases for first time

By Richard Whitehead

International research involving the University of Adelaide has shown for the first time that poor nutrition, including a lack of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, is associated with the development of several chronic diseases over time.

Chinese xanthan gum prices hit all time low

Chinese xanthan gum prices hit all time low

By Lynda Searby

Xanthan prices continue to be very competitive, guar prices remain steady and cassia prices have escalated owing to a reduced crop in India, according to a hydrocolloids analyst.

Walmart to triple spending on food safety in China


Walmart to triple spending on food safety in China

By RJ Whitehead

Walmart China will significantly increase its investment in food safety to more than RMB300m (US$48m) between 2013 and 2015. Previously, the retailer had announced investments of RMB100m for the same three years.

Japanese railway first to use KitKat bars as tickets


Japanese railway to use KitKat bars as tickets

By RJ Whitehead

Japan has a reputation for food innovation, and a new initiative by Nestlé will transform one of its iconic chocolate bars into currency for train travel while at the same time promoting a crisis-hit part of the country.

Granola in Japan has boomed and playing up health benefits with a fashionable image can be a 'winning formula', says a Datamonitor Consumer analyst

Granola: A sophisticated breakfast win in Japan

By Kacey Culliney

Granola has boomed in Japan because of its health promise and versatility and Western cereal firms could cash in further by playing up the trendy aspect, says a Datamonitor Consumer analyst.

Anti-extravagance and acquisitions in Asia rock global spirits market

Anti-extravagance and acquisitions in Asia rock global spirits market

By RJ Whitehead

Asia’s role in the global spirits market has surprised analysts over in recent months, with moves to curb extravagance in China, Suntory’s acquisition of Beam in January and Emperador’s winning bid to acquire White & Mackay each causing a stir.

FAO and partners unlock carbon finance for herders and grazers


FAO and partners unlock carbon finance for herders and grazers

By RJ Whitehead

Poor land management has left large swathes of the world's grasslands degraded—an environmental problem with direct implications for livestock-dependent communities. However, a project has now succeeded in developing a means to give farmers an incentive...

Chinese UK cheese export ban will be 'lifted soon': Defra

Chinese UK cheese export ban will be 'lifted soon': Defra


Two weeks into a Chinese suspension of British cheese exports, the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has little to say on the issue but believes the ban will be "lifted soon."

Australian wine exporters really need to up their game in Asia-Pacific


Australian wine exporters really need to up their game in Asia-Pacific

By RJ Whitehead

The recent trade spat between Indonesia and Australia, which comes on the back of the southeast Asian nation’s objection towards its southern neighbour’s move to implement plain packaging of cigarettes, might have been blown out of all proportion, but...

RPC Group

RPC to acquire ACE in China

By Jenny Eagle

RPC Group will acquire ACE Corporation Holdings Limited for $301m, with the deal expected to be complete by June 2014.

Cereal makers should consider incorporating black grains into products in China because of the health connotations, Datamonitor Consumer says

Digging into innovation & NPD with Datamonitor consumer

Black cereal: How to make a splash in China

By Kacey Culliney

Black ingredients are considered healthier in China and black breakfast cereals are making a debut splash in the market; a trend Western companies should take note of, says a Datamonitor researcher.

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