All news articles for 2016

Chaotic distribution system provides fertile ground for fake formula

China direct

Chaotic distribution system provides fertile ground for fake formula

By RJ Whitehead

Chaotic sales channels are to blame for Chinese counterfeiting scandals such as the recent case involving 22,600 cans of fake milk powder produced and sold under the brands of US infant formula maker, Abbott, and Chinese infant formula maker, Beingmate.

© / AndromedaGalaxy

4 probiotic strains found in kimchi

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

South Korean researchers have isolated four potentially ‘useful’ probiotic strains in traditional Korean fermented food kimchi. 

An Australian poultry processor has been fined for violating environmental requirements

Supreme Poultry and Chickens fined $30,000

By Aidan Fortune

A poultry processing plant in New South Wales (NSW), Australia has been fined for breaching conditions of its Environment Protection Licence (EPL). 

Prism rice data: The Filipino response to food security disasters

Dateline Southeast Asia

Prism rice data: The Filipino response to food security disasters

By RJ Whitehead

Reliable information based on satellite data and ground observations can help the Philippines prepare for and mitigate the effect of recurring disasters, such as typhoons and El Niño on rice areas in Mindanao. 

Functional drinks: 'They're everywhere!' PERKii sees consumers proactively address health and wellness.

From scientists to shelves: developing technology from the University of Queensland

PERKii pledges to shake up the probiotic beverage aisle

By Rachel Arthur

Probiotic water PERKii is launching in Australia, using patented technology developed by scientists at The University of Queensland that claims to ensure the delivery of live probiotics to the digestive system. 

Contrary to opinion, WA wines can break into China’s vast market


Contrary to opinion, WA wines can break into China’s vast market

By RJ Whitehead

A common belief that Western Australian wine volumes are not big enough to make any significant inroads into the Chinese market is incorrect, and the state’s wineries are in fact well placed to claim a portion of growing demand.

Spice prices to fall as farmers increase production


Spice prices to fall as farmers increase production

By RJ Whitehead

The world’s pepper market has seen prices falling from the highs they experienced in the second-half of last year after the arrival of a new crop into India and Vietnam. 

One user on Twitter called the #HalalChallenge

Germany in social media storm over halal meat

By Oscar Rousseau

German social media campaigners have called for pork to be placed in the halal section of supermarkets to challenge the “cruel” way animals are slaughtered, but critics argue this is an Islamophobic attack.

Premiumization will be a continued trend for Chinese consumers. Pic: China International Exhibitions

Chinese consumers demand premium beer products

By Douglas Yu

The Chinese beer market is the world’s largest, yet it is experiencing negative volume growth after growing continuously for the past 24 years, according to China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA). Industry insiders say domestic beers have to look for...

Thousands of cans of Chinese fake formula still unaccounted for

China direct

Thousands of cans of Chinese fake formula still unaccounted for

By RJ Whitehead

Food safety authorities are scrambling to locate an estimated 3,300 cans of fake infant formula masquerading as popular domestic and international brands after nine people were arrested for their roles in the latest food scandal to hit China.

Be part of a special European delegation being sent to Singapore. The city is the venue for the first ever Food Vision Asia. (©

Food Vision Asia: Be part of a unique EU delegation

By Will Chu

Are you looking to explore the Asian market for new business opportunities? Food Vision Asia is looking for individuals who are interested in forming a delegation to represent Europe’s trade interests, and form new commercial relationships within Asia’s...

Picture: istockphoto-TimArbaev

Islam was the fastest growing religion in America from 2000 to 2010

GUEST ARTICLE: US halal food regulations… Are you up to speed?

By Jeanne Cullen and Furqan Mohammed, Perkins Coie LLP

A growing segment of US consumers is scrutinizing animal treatment and slaughter from an Islamic lens, while halal food consumption among the nation's fast-growing Muslim population has become a ballooning enterprise in the United States and is now...

Unveiled: Final programme for Singapore event

Food Vision Asia 2016

Unveiled: Final programme for Singapore event

By Food Vision Asia

The final programme for Food Vision Asia event has been announced ahead of its inaugural edition in the region, which takes place in Singapore from April 27-29.

Source: Suji's Korean Cuisine

Suji’s Korean Cuisine balances authentic with the familiar

By Elizabeth Crawford

Today’s consumers claim to want bold, authentic flavors, but many still shy away from unrecognizable foods – giving manufacturers the difficult task of presenting new products or flavors in a familiar way that still respects their authenticity. 

Examples of fermented foods are kimchi, fish sauce and miso from Asia, and Kefir from Russia and Central Asia.

Flavour Trends

Fermented foods: Where flavour and function combine

By Will Chu

The quest for novel taste sensations that strike the right note with consumers means food makers are constantly on the look-out for new flavours or food production methods - and the trend for fermented ticks both boxes.

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