
AusBev CEO writes on sugary drinks taxes in this opinion piece. ©AusBev

Opinion: Why war on soft drinks is soft on the truth — Exclusive

By Geoff Parker

As governments across the world grapple with the problem of expanding waistlines, a tax on drinks containing sugar continues to be thrust into public discourse and promoted as a key strategy to tackle the complex and costly problem of obesity, writes...

Sugar taxes: Sweet success or a sorry story? It usually depends who you ask... Pic:getty/bopav

Sugar taxes: The global picture

By Rachel Arthur, Elaine Watson, Stephen Daniells, Gary Scattergood, Niamh Michail

Sugar taxes continue to hit the headlines, but the introduction of new legislation is never straight-forward. We take a look at 20 countries around the globe where sugar taxes have been in the news.

56% of adult respondents in the survey add flavor to their water. ©GettyImages/tbralnina

Berry is top choice in flavored water: Comax

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Bottled water volume sales are seeing continued strong growth, driven by consumers' search for alternatives to sugary drinks. And these trends are benefiting the flavored water category, according to Comax Flavors.

Thailand to introduce new sugar tax over six years

Dateline Southeast Asia

Thailand to introduce new sugar tax over six years

By RJ Whitehead

Thailand will phase in a sugar tax over six years in a bid to help drinks manufacturers to lower their sugar content and take advantage of a simultaneous lowering of tax on sugar-free beverages.

Thailand’s sugar major looks at ways to capitalise on high prices

Thailand’s sugar major looks at ways to capitalise on high prices

By RJ Whitehead

Thailand’s biggest sugar manufacturer has filed a legal application with financial regulators to raise money for the expansion of its core sugar business, with proceeds to be used to build the company’s first new sugar refining factory. 

Sugar, sweeteners do not have different effects on appetite


Sugar, sweeteners do not have different effects on appetite

By RJ Whitehead

The body’s natural eating rhythms compensate for the calories reduced by using natural or artificial non-nutritive sweeteners, researchers have found after comparing the habits of people taking four different types of sweetener, including sugar.

Supply restrictions cause sucralose prices to spike


Supply restrictions cause sucralose prices to spike

By RJ Whitehead

Chinese sucralose prices have been rising sharply this year due to supply restrictions. According to Mintec, the commodities analyst, they increased 47% month on month in June, and 56% from April to May. 

Home food delivery apps ordered to shut down

China direct

Home food delivery apps ordered to shut down

By RJ Whitehead

Shanghai authorities have shut down four food-delivery platforms that sell home made food after finding their unlicensed home kitchens to be potentially unsafe.

Scientists find way to make sweetest sweetener taste sweeter


Scientists find way to make sweetest sweetener taste sweeter

By RJ Whitehead

Japanese researchers have devised a method to make one of the sweetest natural sweeteners even sweeter in a development that will be seen as a breakthrough at a time when consumers are moving away from sugar.

Zero-calorie sweeteners: There's not enough human evidence to warrant new advice

Do zero-calorie sweeteners increase diabetes risk?


“Artificial sweeteners may boost diabetes risk” ran the headline in the New York Times last month – but experts have said to take recent research with a pinch of salt.

Egyptian sugar facility bags $357m investment

Egyptian sugar facility bags $357m investment

By Eliot Beer

Egypt's Al Nouran Sugar has secured US$357m in financing for a new sugar facility which will create 3,000 new jobs and produce 588,000 tonnes of sugar a year when operational.


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