Processing & packaging

Hype or glory? Can the Internet of Things transform food manufacturing in APAC?

Asia’s Food Future: Industry 4.0

Hype or glory? Can the Internet of Things transform food manufacturing in APAC?

By Tingmin Koe, Pearly Neo and Gary Scattergood

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the biggest buzzwords as manufacturers seek to digitise and revolutionise their production processes across a raft of industries – that’s why we have chosen the topic to kick-off our first monthly, multimedia feature,...

The Kezzler team. Photo: Kezzler.

AIPIA World Congress preview

Kezzler takes IoP technology to China

By Jenny Eagle

Kezzler joined the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Innovation Norway on a State Visit to China last month, as it welcomed incoming CEO Christine Akselsen.

Processing innovation: Robots of the future make their debut at Tokyo Pack 2018

Processing innovation: Tokyo Pack 2018

Robots of the future make their debut at Tokyo Pack 2018

By Jenny Eagle

An MiR100 portable heavy goods robot by Kantum and a flying drone called Prodroneto, which will be launched in December, made their debut at this year’s Tokyo Pack 2018.

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