Food safety

India’s elephant beginning to charge towards sustainability

Interview: Richard Werran, CEO of Cert ID Europe

India’s elephant beginning to charge towards sustainability

By RJ Whitehead

With over 30 years in the food industry, with a third of it spent providing and promoting food safety certification with Cert ID Europe, Richard Werran knows a fair bit about genetically modified crops in sustainable agriculture.

India’s government ‘keen to reach GM consensus'

Biotech debate

India’s government ‘keen to reach GM consensus'

By RJ Whitehead

India’s government is working hard to reach a consensus among scientists, politicians, farmers and consumers to reach a solution on the vexed issue of genetically modified crops, according to the country’s science and technology minister.

India’s GM debate must be fought on science alone

Food for thought

India’s GM debate must be fought on science alone

By Ankush Chibber

India has hotly debated the use of GM crops both on a societal and political level. The discussion around the issue is at most times primal. Travel tip? You would be well advised not to use this as an ice-breaker in any of the leftist states.

New food super-watchdog nearing reality

Chinese regulation

New food super-watchdog nearing reality

By RJ Whitehead

Anticipation that China will elevate the status of the existing State Food and Drug Administration to an all-encompassing body (SFDA) is mounting following the submission of a report to the country’s parliament’s annual session.

World's sixth biggest GM grower, China will continue to import soy

Growth of GM

World's sixth biggest GM grower, China will continue to import soy

By RJ Whitehead

As concerns grow for the security of food supplies for its billion-plus population, China—the sixth biggest producer of genetically modified crops—has resolved to continue importing GM soybeans to satisfy domestic demand.

China's watchdogs might finally get more teeth

Food safety

China's watchdogs might finally get more teeth

By RJ Whitehead

Sick of lurching from one food crisis to the next, it seems the Chinese authorities are planning to form one cohesive food safety unit based on America’s FDA model.

Fonterra: Why we need to talk about what's in our food

Right to reply

Fonterra: Why we need to talk about what's in our food

By Theo Spierings, CEO of Fonterra Co-operative Group

Last week, we published a critique of Fonterra's actions during the DCD furore, which saw lengthy delays between identifying the presence of minute quantities of the chemical in the company's milk. Having requested a right to reply, Fonterra's...

Call it anything but food safety

Food for thought

Call it anything but food safety

By Ankush Chibber

Apparently, India’s food safety rules and regulations are just as stringent as those in other, more developed countries. And that’s according to a proper source, one who should know his onions.

Food registration deadline extended once again

FSSAI in freefall

Food registration deadline extended once again

By RJ Whitehead

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has once again extended the licencing and registration deadline for the country’s food business operators. In an embarrassing move by the government’s consumer watchdog, businesses now have another...

Duck replaces mutton in latest food-swap scandal

China safety

Duck replaces mutton in latest food-swap scandal

By RJ Whitehead

While European supermarkets and fast-food chains have been dealing with the fall-out of horse meat in burgers, a meatpacking factory in north-east China has been found using cheap duck meat and additives to replace mutton and beef slices.

Litigators licking their lips over Yum! class action

KFC in crisis

Litigators licking their lips over Yum! class action

By RJ Whitehead

Lawyers in the United States are queuing up to bring on board investors in KFC’s parent, Yum! Brands, for a class action lawsuit. The move follows nearly two months of questions concerning meat standards at the fast food chain’s Chinese operation.

New Zealand reassures Chinese consumers in wake of Fonterra DCD crisis

Chemical contamination

New Zealand reassures Chinese consumers in wake of Fonterra DCD crisis

By RJ Whitehead

New Zealand’s government has started a PR offensive to limit the impact of last week’s revelations that low levels of chemical residue were discovered in dairy products from the country, and Chinese consumers find themselves high on its charm list.

DNA amplification on microspheres for safer food. Picture couresty of the University of Queensland

Technology allows faster screening for bacteria on food

By Joe Whitworth

Australian researchers have claimed a breakthrough that will allow them to use DNA amplification on “microspheres” to rapidly detect and identify large numbers of different bacteria at once.

Mengniu brand value plummets in 2012 as the Yili brand soars

Mengniu brand value plummets in 2012 as the Yili brand soars

By Mark Astley

Mengniu saw its brand value plummet by more than 30% in 2012, as Chinese public concern over the safety of domestically-manufactured dairy products continued to turn consumers towards ‘safer’ international brands.

Rabbi Moskovitz in his QC robe...

Kosher gains ground as global QC measure

By Shane Starling

Having foods and ingredients approved by Jewish rabbis may not seem a matter that would of great importance to non-Jewish food and supplement manufacturers – not so.

Government heavyweights line up at food innovation summit

Indian agripolitics

Government heavyweights line up at food innovation summit

By RJ Whitehead

Speaking at an industry event in Haryana, the Indian minister for state for agriculture and food processing stressed that finding new ways to detect emerging food pathogens was crucial for the domestic economy’s “sunrise sector”.

Industry unimpressed by vague new GM labelling regulations

Industry unimpressed by vague new GM labelling regulations

By RJ Whitehead

This week, Indian consumers will begin to learn if some of the packaged foods they buy contain genetically-modified ingredients following a gazette notification issued by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. 

Beijing gets tough on lax food safety standards

Beijing gets tough on lax food safety standards

By RJ Whitehead

The Beijing municipal government will soon introduce a strict law, as well as an accountability system, to ensure food safety in the city. The move follows measures recently taken by Shanghai to blacklist firms that ignore health regulations.

Saudi bans Brazilian beef

Saudi bans Brazilian beef

Saudi Arabia is the latest Asian country to suspend beef imports from Brazilian. It is now also the biggest country to stop purchases after the South American country confirmed a case of atypical mad cow disease in 2010.

FDA names New Zealand as first country on par with US standards

FDA names New Zealand as first country on par with US standards

By RJ Whitehead

This week, New Zealand has become the first country in the world to sign an agreement with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The pact recognises each other’s food safety systems as providing a comparable degree of food-safety assurance.

Greenpeace gone too far with Golden Rice scandal


Greenpeace gone too far with GM Golden Rice scandal

By RJ Whitehead

“Human guinea pigs”, “gambling with health” and “shadowy research project”—the terms came thick and fast in Greenpeace’s revelation about Golden Rice earlier this year.

Social storm pushes Woolworths to remove infant drink

Social storm pushes Woolworths to remove infant drink

By RJ Whitehead

A social media storm and petition have prompted Australian supermarket Woolworths to withdraw all juice supplies of infant drink brand Bebi from its shelves, although its infant suitable water line will remain.

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