
Experts don't buy new Pepsi’s fat-busting claims

Experts don't buy new Pepsi’s fat-busting claims

By RJ Whitehead

“I know what people are thinking as they head out for a Big Mac, large fries and cola: why not make it a lighter meal and opt for diet- or zero-calorie Coke—or now, a Pepsi Special?” reasons Rashi Chowdhary, a Dubai-based nutritionist. 

China seizures raise fears for New Zealand's global dairy reputation

China seizures raise fears for New Zealand's global dairy reputation

By RJ Whitehead

Numerous consignments of baby formula made in New Zealand have been prevented from entering China after authorities branded them substandard. Now it has come to light, the issue is raising concerns that the ensuing Chinese media coverage might potentially...

Nutrition watchdog slams rugby sponsorship deal

Nutrition watchdog slams rugby sponsorship deal

By RJ Whitehead

The Infant Nutrition Council (INC) has expressed strong concern over the recent sponsorship deal between the Warriors rugby league club and Chinese-owned New Zealand infant formula company.

Vietnam going all out for growth in seafood exports

Vietnam going all out for growth in seafood exports

By RJ Whitehead

The Vietnamese seafood industry is eyeing exports worth $10-10.5bn by 2020, according to a leading trade official, although judging by recent trends, this might be a difficult task.

LycoRed gets local knowhow for Chinese market

LycoRed gets local knowhow for Chinese market

By Ankush Chibber

Further intensifying its efforts to crack the Chinese market, an Israel-based global premix supplier has inked a distribution agreement to ease into the local food manufacturing space.

NZ honey study's sweet and sour findings

NZ honey study's sweet and sour findings

By RJ Whitehead

A PhD student at New Zealand’s Lincoln University has found that nearly half of mono-floral honey bought from supermarkets in the country were not true to their labels.

Traditional foods like labneh provide important markets for probiotics producers

Probiotics on course for profound growth in the UAE

By RJ Whitehead

Research by Euromonitor has revealed that pre- and probiotics have been continually attracting new consumers in the United Arab Emirates, with growth becoming consistently strong across the segment.

Probiotics on a charge in Asia, but players must get more organised

Probiotics on a charge in Asia, but players must get organised

With predicted growth of 15 to 20% imminent, probiotics in China and South Asia are destined for big things. But, according to Russell Ward, research director of food analyst Giract, a number of other factors must come into play before the segment reaches...

Herring enzymes hold key to long life

Herring enzymes hold key to long life

By RJ Whitehead

In a busy week of enzyme news, it was suggested that enzymes from unused herring parts could soon appear in juices, and a Chinese company announced plans to tap into the food processing industry with its enzyme products.

Nothing to see here: Fonterra says there is no problem with its use of permeates and won't be changing

Fonterra firm against removing permeate

By Ankush Chibber

New Zealand’s largest dairy cooperative is refusing to join milk producers and marquee retailers that are removing permeate from their milk brands.

Researchers analysed 235 global rice grains for GI levels

Rice gene discovery opens doors for low-GI products

By Kacey Culliney

Research has identified the key gene that determines the glycemic index (GI) of rice, opening up opportunities to develop low-GI rice and rice-based products to reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes, according to the researchers.

Australian children are exposed to lower levels of food colourings, new report finds

Food colourant exposure drops for Australian kids

By Ankush Chibber

Exposure to food colourings among Australian children has dropped over the last four years, according to a new report by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ).

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