Weight loss products lead Korean approvals

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Body fat burning products intended for weight loss were the largest portion of recent Korea Food and Drug Administration functional foods authorisations.

According to The Korea Times​, the KFDA authorised 27 products that allegedly help burn body fats for sale last year, out of a total of 97 functional foods.

Twenty-four of the products contained an extract from Garcinia Camboginia​, which contains the compound hydroxycitric acid (HCA), said to accelerate metabolism and help in weight-loss diets.

Other functional food getting the KFDA’s authorisations included products that benefits liver, joints and bones, prostate and large intestine health.

The Korea Times​ quotes KFDA researcher Lee Hye-young: “Functional foods are diversifying as more are getting authorized to improve people's health. This reflects what people need at the moment.”

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